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In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many SBDCs will be forced to work virtually and in some cases close their centers. Please contact your local SBDC to see how you can continue your advising sessions virtually.

We encourage everyone to do their part to keep their employees, clients, and themselves healthy.

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Celebrating 40 Years!

Small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs can go to their local SBDCs for free face-to-face business consulting and at-cost training, on topics including business planning, accessing capital, marketing, regulatory compliance, technology development, international trade and much more.

SBDCs are hosted by leading universities, colleges, state economic development agencies and private sector partners, and funded in part by the United States Congress through a partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

With nearly 1,000 centers across the nation, there is an SBDC near you. Find your SBDC.

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